Nothing can beat the feeling of holding your newborn in your hands. The sense of joy, pride, and amazement is truly unparalleled. If there is one more emotion that can be added to this mix, it is that of fear. Parents often worry that they may not hold the child correctly and may end up harming that little, fragile human. If this is a concern that you also have, here is help. Let us begin by assuring you that even though the child looks fragile, he or she is sturdy, and if you do not shake them up, you will do just fine!
Here are some handy tips on how to hold a newborn baby, to ensure they are kept safe and comfortable.
1. Picking up the baby
When picking up the baby from his crib or the bed, ensure that you slide one hand under his head and neck and one under his bottom. It’s best to bend your knees while doing so. Bring them close to your chest once you have scooped up the baby. Now you can go ahead and straighten your knees.
Picking up the baby from under their arms carries the risk of injuring their arms or shoulders. Remember, therefore, not to do that.
2. Cradling a newborn
The head and neck of the child need special care. Therefore, the holding position deserves care. Ensure that while holding them, you have their back on your forearm and that their neck is kept safe in the crook of your arm. This position isn’t just safe; it also ensures that the baby is kept comfortable.
3. Shoulder hold
A good position is the shoulder hold. As the name suggests, you must hold your baby to your chest and shoulder. Ensure you support their neck with one hand while the other is under the baby’s bottom.

4. Helping others hold the baby
If elderly people or children want to hold the baby, ensure that you make them sit down and then gently place the child in their cradled arms. It is imperative that in having the baby, the two soft spots on the head are taken care of, and no pressure is exerted.
Also, ensure that you do not pass on the baby holding it out in front of you. The method to follow remains the same: place one hand beneath the baby’s head and the other beneath the bottom before you hand the baby over.
5. Upright after feeding
When speaking of holding the baby, it is essential to reiterate that post-feeding, the baby must be kept upright. Let their stomach face your chest while their head is near your shoulder. Hold them with one hand on the back of their head and neck and the other under their bottom.
6. Do not bounce a newborn
It is tempting to soothe a newborn by bouncing them up and down. However, this move can be jarring. It is always better to gently sway them back and forth in a rocking motion. The baby feels comforted this way as it mimics their experience in the womb and helps them feel secure.

7. Don’t carry any hazardous objects while carrying the baby
As a new parent, you are struggling to juggle many things. However, please ensure that you do not carry any hot objects or anything that can hurt the baby while holding the baby in your hands. Any movement by the baby can lead to untoward accidents, should you have anything hot in your hands, for instance.
8. Don’t hold the baby lying down if you are tired
Parenting a newborn comes with attendant fatigue and sleep deprivation. When you are feeling exhausted and haven’t slept for hours, ensure that you do not hold the child while you are lying down. Chances are that you could fall asleep, lose your grip, and drop the baby. If you are drowsy, ensure that the child is taken care of by another adult. Much as we would like to be supermen or women for our children, the fact is each of us needs to be rested, and it is only when you are rested and taken care of yourself that you can take care of the baby. Remember the adage about having your oxygen mask in place before helping others? Now, that is something you will need to remember throughout your parenting journey!
9. Wash your hands before picking up the baby
Finally, the baby’s immune system is still developing, and they are prone to infections. Therefore, ensure that you wash your hands each time you hold the baby. The same rule needs to apply to visitors.
To Sum Up
Well, some amount of apprehension is average when you are holding your newborn or even thinking of how to have a newborn. Some practice will happen while you are still at the hospital, and there will be trained nurses to help you. As you get home, you will only get better with more practice. As you feel more and more relaxed in holding the baby, the baby will also feel increasingly comfortable.
Keep watching this space for more informative articles. Footprints Playschool is a chain of preschools that has emerged as a preferred parenting partner. We are focused on children’s holistic development.
Here’s to the best journey of a lifetime! May you build a great bond with your little one

Amita is an experienced educator with over 30 years of experience. She has an outstanding understanding of child development, having worked with various age groups for prestigious businesses. She has been dedicated to handling Footprints’s Curriculum and Delivery department for the past decade. Amita’s credentials include being one of India’s few HighScope Curriculum certified trainers and volunteering as a course leader for Landmark Education, the world’s largest training firm.