When you decide to become a parent, you not only say yes to having a little one but also a big yes to handling tons, a lot of responsibilities, learnings, and so much more. It’s like helping your extended version to live a life and making everything possible for them. From making them responsible for their education to safety during the early years, it’s all in the hands of the parents. While safety lessons can be taught with time, they are better when learned during the early years.
So, the question pops up: how can you teach your children safety habits or safety rules? How can you teach them which people are safe for them and which are not? In this blog, we will dive deep into children’s rules and safety tips. The parents and teachers are responsible for teaching young children about safety and allowing them to take safe risks. So, if you haven’t started yet, start with the tips below.
Important Safety Rules Every Child Must Learn:
1. Know Your Name, Number & Address
One of the first safety rules for kids is that every child must know their name, number, and address. It may sound like small details, but it is vital to teach children about the importance of contact details. A child should know their parent’s name and number, too. This is very helpful because when your child gets stuck in an emergency, they can probably get someone’s help to contact you. As parents, you must help your child memorize all these contact details and practice at home. If possible, also help them learn a backup number of any guardians, in case you are unavailable.
2. Make Them Learn About Traffic Safety Rules
Every child must be aware of the traffic safety rules. You must understand that you cannot always be with your child to help them cross the road, catch their bus, or anything else. This is where learning these road safety and traffic rules will significantly help. With these rules, they know when they have to cross the road, what light depicts what is on the road, and more. If you do not make them learn these rules and someday you are not with them on the road, then the output may turn out very ugly. These little learnings from an early age will also help them in the future.
3. Teach Them How to Interact with Strangers
Another very prominent risk that hovers around children is that they are not old enough to judge who is right or wrong. This is where your training or guidance will help them interact with those unknown people correctly. It is an important safety rule, especially when your child is in public places in your absence. Firstly, teach them to avoid any food given to them by a stranger. Make them learn that it is dangerous to accept from any stranger. When someone asks out, they have to say no to them politely in your absence.
4. Playing or Experimenting with Fire is Not Allowed
Another vital safety rule for kids is to be as far as possible from fire or anything flammable. This is a safety rule often taught at schools, too, but as parents, they trust you the most, and you have to find ways to make them learn this. A child from the early years should know that it is not allowed to play with fire. You should also make your home safe from fire hazards by keeping all the fire outlets away from the child’s reach. Make them learn the destructive outcomes of fire so that they stay away from it.
5. The Concept of Good & Bad Touch
Gone are the days when our little ones were safe with everyone around. The world has become cruel and taken advantage of the innocence of these little ones. So, with heavy hearts, we can say that from the early years, you must only teach your children about good touch and bad touch. Tell your child that no one is allowed to touch them except mummy and daddy. In case they feel someone is touching them inappropriately, tell them that they have to shout and ask for help from people around them. The safety rules in schools especially focus on this concept, and the government has also made it mandatory for the institutions.
6. Teach Your Child to Listen to Their Instincts
We often talk about our feelings or instincts and how things would have happened if we had done that. It’s a self-sense that comes from within a situation. It is tough to recognize, but as parents, you have to make your child learn this. Teaching your child to follow their instincts can be of great help. It’s like our brain and heart asking or suggesting you do things. When your child learns about finding the right instincts when you are not around, it can help them survive in many situations until any safe help arrives.
7. Never Go Anywhere With A Stranger
Another important safety rule you must teach your child is never to walk away somewhere with a stranger. A child should understand that going somewhere with a stranger is never safe, regardless of the reason. Remind your kids to stay where they are if a stranger says, “Your mum asked you to come with me immediately.” They are and cry out for assistance. Make sure that in an emergency, a family member—such as a grandparent or aunt—rather than a stranger will always be with your child.
8. Stay Where You Are When Lost
Last but surely not least, we know how tough it is to make your child sit in one place. So, teaching them to stay put when lost is undoubtedly challenging. However, it is an important safety rule that should be taught in schools and homes. Make them learn that if they get lost, they should stay wherever they are so that you can find them easily. If they get lost in a public place, they can probably take help from any other mother with a child or someone they feel they can trust to tell them they are lost.
To Sum Up
In conclusion, we can say that with the world becoming more unsafe day by day for everyone, we have to teach our children all the safety rules as soon as they can understand them. As mentioned earlier, the rules can also be taught at preschool. All you have to do is speak to your child and make them understand these rules using a child’s appropriate language. Remember, personal safety is not something that you can just bring up once you are done. It needs to be a part of regular lessons and learning. So, start today so that you can discuss this with them as they grow.
Aditya brings over ten years of expertise as a Senior Marketing Strategist. He’s an expert at developing captivating marketing tactics that regularly provide excellent outcomes. His innovative strategies have demonstrated a track record of increasing organizational reach and engagement, showcasing his extensive knowledge of the contemporary marketing landscape.