There is enough and more research that shows that children who attend high-quality preschool & playgroup programs reap benefits that last them not just through school, but also through life. The research is also in line with studies that have gone on to show that 90% of brain development in children happens till the age of five. It goes without saying then that the quality of intellectual stimulation, nurturing & more, that children receive in playgroup programs, shapes their lives. If you are looking for specific answers to what really are the benefits of playgroup or of play school, here is everything you need to know:
Develop Confidence
Let us face it, the first time that the child takes those steps and walks into a playschool, the separation anxiety is real. In a nurturing environment, however, the child overcomes this separation anxiety and begins to develop emotional confidence. In fact, it works far better than the child overcomes the separation anxiety in a supportive setup like a play school as opposed to a formal school with its long hours & structured setup. Playgroup programs are far less overwhelming & help the child embrace the change far more easily.
Meeting a new set of people and settling in, adds to the child’s self-assurance. The child also begins to learn the lesson of independence early as the right play school ensures that children take to age-appropriate tasks. The thumb rule is not to jump in to solve issues that children can solve themselves. From learning to put their toys in place to learning to wait for their turn, there are some important lessons that the child learns at every step that help him shape up as an individual.
Children also learn to undertake activities such as eating independently. While on the subject of food, children learn lessons such as the importance of good hygiene, community eating, not wasting food, and the importance of healthy food & more at preschool. Needless to say that they also form an early, healthy relationship with food.
Develop Social Skills
A very important advantage that playschools offer is that they help the child develop much-needed social skills. In interacting with other children their age, children learn to share, express emotions, deal with conflict, and more. Importantly, children also learn social boundaries. Needless to mention that with these skills children settle in quicker in school settings. Most importantly, however, these people skills serve as important skills in the context of life itself.
Build Motor Skills
This is the time that the child needs to build both gross & fine motor skills. The physical activities that are offered in a play school, go a long way in doing that effectively. From running and jumping to molding playdough, painting, and more, the child not only stays fit but also learns important lessons in hand-eye coordination, etc. The right playschools are also equipped with age–appropriate toys that help children explore diverse interests & passions from a very early age.
Building imagination & creativity
A big advantage of a playgroup or playschool is that it gives wings to the child’s imagination. This is done in multiple ways. Firstly, a well-designed scientific curriculum goes a long way in the holistic development of the child. The curriculum is designed in a manner that not just teaches children, it fuels their curiosity & turns them into learners for life. The curriculum also appeals to multiple intelligences in children & supports various learning styles.
Besides the structured curriculum, a well-designed play school curriculum also allows for time for unstructured play which goes a long way in boosting the child’s creativity. Even as children grow up and parents worry about them being bored with they do not have anything structured to do, it is important to remember that some amount of boredom works in the child’s favor as it helps them think of things creatively & imaginatively. You may see the child take to various pretend plays, role plays & more. In effect, it allows children to make sense of situations & what they mean to them.
Develop Literacy Skills
With a number of age-appropriate activities, teachers ignite young children the love for learning and also help them develop literacy skills. These could be by way of games & activities that help them to develop pre-math skills or by reading picture books that encourage their ability to understand & express themselves.
Encourage Children to Make Choices
Ask any adult and they will attest to the fact that their choices have a strong role to play in the way that their life has turned out. In fact, making critical choices is an important life skill that needs to be inculcated early, albeit in an age-appropriate manner. The right play school encourages the child to make decisions. These could be seemingly simple choices such as the games that they would like to play but which inculcate in them the skills to make their own decisions.
Improve Language Skills
A language-rich environment such as that of a play school goes a long way in improving the child’s vocabulary and overall language skills. Teachers do not just introduce new words to students, children also get enough opportunities to practice their usage. Whether it is listening to stories, participating in show & tell, asking thought-provoking questions, and more, there are enough & more opportunities to improve their language skills.
At Footprints, we understand the importance of children receiving the right attention & stimulation. We, therefore offer an inclusive, engaging & interactive learning environment to facilitate the learning & development of the child. We follow the scientifically developed HighScope Curriculum that offers a structure that enhances learning and facilitates the development of abilities. Offering them age-appropriate choices, allowing them to play in small & large groups, and having them step out of the four walls of the classroom are only some of the many ways to facilitate learning. Trained teachers & a strong management team that is invested in child development and to make the first five years of the child’s life, count are some of the reasons that Footprints has emerged as an effective parenting partner for parents across the country.

Amita is an experienced educator with over 30 years of experience. She has an outstanding understanding of child development, having worked with various age groups for prestigious businesses. She has been dedicated to handling Footprints’s Curriculum and Delivery department for the past decade. Amita’s credentials include being one of India’s few HighScope Curriculum certified trainers and volunteering as a course leader for Landmark Education, the world’s largest training firm.