The opening day of the academic year, particularly in kindergarten, might be marked by a certain level of apprehension. Confusion arising from uncertainty about the new environment and new acquaintances, coupled with separation anxiety from parents, might complicate the situation. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to establish the context with the first day of school activities that might alleviate anxious concerns. Although you may have seen numerous movies in which the teacher grants pupils the freedom to choose their own greetings upon entering the classroom, you may have wondered what should follow next. Presented here is a pragmatic compilation of enjoyable school activities that establish the foundation for the subsequent year, all the while extending a cordial reception to children.
1. Introductions
To add some fun to introductions, let each child introduce themselves with an adjective that begins with the letter of their first name. Think Tall Trisha or Funny Farhan. To add some more spice to the game, let each child recall the names of their classmates before they add their own.

2. Find a friend
Finding a friend is one of the toughest things children might face on the first day of school. How about easing them into the process with a fun game? This will allow them to become comfortable with their classmates.
All you need to do is print some worksheets that have pictures of some of the things that are children’s favourites. It could be pictures of fun games, eatables, favourite colours and more such categories. Allow the children time to tick mark their favourite things individually in each category. Next, they need to look for friends with the same favourite colour, the same favourite eatables and more. When they find the perfect match, let them write the person’s name against that category. There you go- by the end of the session, they would have seen several classmates with similar tastes.
3. Decorate the classroom
Now, this first day of class activity can also serve as a great warm-up. Divide the children into groups and put them in charge of different areas of the classroom. Equip them with markers, posters, tape, chart paper and other supplies. Get each group to think of ideas for decorating their part of the classroom and see them get to work. It will be a great exercise not just in creativity but also in teamwork and collaboration.

4. Scavenger Hunt
Another all-time favourite, this activity will quickly make the children friendly with each other. To add value to the game, you could use classroom supplies as the stuff that they need to unearth. That way, you also familiarise them with where things are available in the classroom.
5. Friend Diagram
A fun take on the concept of Venn Diagrams, this welcome activity involves your drawing a giant Venn diagram and putting it up on the wall. Now, explain to students that they need to find common traits/ likes amongst themselves and put them in the overlap area of the diagram. Once again, this will be a good exercise for children to see the common aspects they share with their classmates.
6. Art Sessions
Now, art is something most children love to do. You can make the session meaningful for the first day of class by getting them to design:
a) A class promise- Brainstorm with the children what they would want their class to be like. Collect all the ideas and select a few that will go on the class promise. Things like ‘We will be Kind’ could be cut.
b) A badge that says I want to learn- Let each child design a badge that lists three things they want to learn during the school year.
c) Fun bookmarks for all the reading they will do during the year.

7. Warm Breeze
This activity is a warm take on Simon Says. The children stand in a big circle, and the teacher says, “A warm breeze blows towards children who (have a pet), for instance.” Each time the statement describes a set of children, they step into the middle of the circle. You could end with some statements that apply to all students to finally get everyone to move.
8. Icebreaker Questions
You could also help the children warm up with fun icebreaker questions. Consider things such as which superhero you would want to be or, if you were a superhero for the day, what you would do. The giggles the answers will bring will set the vibe for the class.
There you go, with a fun set of activities you sure will set the stage for a memorable first day of school for the little ones. That they will be happy to come to school the next day will be a given. That you will need to match the standards that you would have set on day one on the following days will be a task that you will need to live up to!
Keep watching this space for more valuable content. At Footprints, a chain of preschools that has emerged as a preferred parenting partner, we follow the scientifically developed HighScope curriculum, which, among other things, encourages learning by doing. Teachers’ overall approach is that of scaffolding and helping children grow to their fullest potential.
Here’s to raising a generation of learners who remain learners for life and have a lot of fun while on their learning journey!

Amita is an experienced educator with over 30 years of experience. She has an outstanding understanding of child development, having worked with various age groups for prestigious businesses. She has been dedicated to handling Footprints’s Curriculum and Delivery department for the past decade. Amita’s credentials include being one of India’s few HighScope Curriculum certified trainers and volunteering as a course leader for Landmark Education, the world’s largest training firm.