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10 Creative Children’s Day Celebration Ideas For Preschoolers

As November arrives, anticipation builds with the impending celebration of Children’s Day. Observed on November 14th, it commemorates the birth of Jawaharlal Nehru, a cherished figure among children. Each year, the occasion is remembered with festivities honouring Jawaharlal Nehru, affectionately known as Chacha Nehru, his affection for children, the purity of childhood, and the delight of education.

Here are several enjoyable activity suggestions to celebrate Children’s Day for preschoolers. Through these activities, they will not only relish every minute but will also acquire extensive knowledge. So, here we proceed:

Children’s Day celebration ideas:

1. Dressing up as Chacha Nehru

How about allowing children to dress up as their dear leader who loved children so much? Seeing them with the mandatory Nehru jacket and a rose resting on their person will be a pleasure. This, however, is likely to turn out to be more than just a costume party, for the children could also recite some of Chacha Nehru’s favorite teachings, allowing them to imbibe his learnings. The occasion will also be an introduction to India’s history and the hardships our freedom fighters had to undertake to help India attain freedom. Sure enough, it will pique their curiosity, and they will want to learn more about it.

2. Fun-filled Carnival

This is one day when children deserve to have a really good time and do things after their own heart. How about setting up a carnival with their favorite games, food, and more? You could even add a puppet show or a magic performance to light up their day. The twinkle in their eyes will be worth all the effort.

3. Art Activities

Let children give their imagination free reign as they engage in art and craft activities. They could paint, carry out clay modeling, and more. You could have a theme around this activity or simply let them follow their hearts. You could organize a drawing competition or simply, at the end of the activity, let all the creations find pride of place in a special gallery that can be enjoyed and appreciated by all.

You could also involve preschoolers in children’s day board decoration and see them take immense pride in their creations. Remember to stand as a scaffolding, offering them the necessary support when they need it but not jumping in to do things they are capable of doing on their own.

4. Storytelling

How about organising an exciting storytelling session where interesting anecdotes from Jawaharlal Nehru’s life are told to children? Once again, this storytelling session can be an apt platform to introduce children to our rich history and how our forefathers have gifted us a free country.

Not only will this session help impart lessons in history to them, but it will also throw open coachable moments where you will be able to have conversations with them on the importance of several values.

5. Community Service

There is no better day than to impart in children a sense of community and the idea of giving back to it. You could organise a number of community service initiatives, such as tree planting or making cards for soldiers, cancer patients, and more. Early on, it will fill children with a sense of oneness for the community and inspire them to think of collective good.

6. Sports Activities

Children’s Day is as good as any other day for inculcating in children the importance of physical activity. You could organise sports activities that help with physical fitness while also teaching important lessons about putting one’s best foot forward, teamwork, healthy competition, and more.

7. Science Activities

It is imperative to instill in children a sense of rational thinking and critical inquiry. Interesting science experiments can go a long way in piquing their interest. It can be a great way to teach in them a love for science and turn them into learners for life. Age-appropriate experiments that they can perform themselves can go a long way in instilling a love for science. Therefore, ensure that the activities are hands-on and that children can participate in them.

8. Gastronomical Delight

Children’s day activities should have space for some gastronomical enjoyment. How about a potluck where students and teachers bring mouth-watering delicacies from different regions of India? These gastronomical delights can then be enjoyed by everyone while exchanging stories about their origin. It will be a great way to introduce children to the cultural diversity of India.

9. Gratitude Circle

Once again, Children’s Day is as good as any other day in instilling the lesson of gratitude in children. This can be one activity that needs no preparation. All you need to do is to get children seated in a circle and ask them to name a thing they are grateful for. This activity can be followed up in the classroom where you put a gratitude box where children drop in a note every day about what they are grateful for. When the gratitude muscle is trained from early childhood, it will continue to develop. Soon, children will learn to focus on what they have instead of what they lack. That it will change the quality of their lives is a given. Giving them the gift of gratitude as opposed to a sense of entitlement, will be one of the biggest gifts you can offer them.

10. Talent Show

How about ending the day with a talent show where children are free to showcase any of their talents, be it dancing, singing, playing an instrument, or more? It will be a great opportunity for self-expression as well as improving confidence.

Why not have the teachers participate in the talent show, too, and showcase their love for their dear students? Teachers could also give a children’s day speech expressing their love for the children. Now this will be something that the students will really cherish.

Keep watching this space for more innovative content. At Footprints, a chain of preschools and daycare centres, we are totally committed to children’s holistic development. It’s little surprise then that Footprints has emerged as the preferred parenting partner for parents across the country.

Post Author: Amita Bhardwaj

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